Cyber-Physical Chain (CPChain) deeply integrates blockchain with Internet of Things (IoT) to realize a decentralized and trusted brand-new distributed IoT systems. It can reduce the cost of system interconnection, increase the value of data sharing, and ensure user privacy and system security. CPChain focuses on the scalability, security and real-time issues that blockchain faces in the Internet of Things industry.
CPChain aims to be the new infrastructure for the next generation Internet of Things (IoT). It will provide solutions for data acquisition, sharing and application for the IoT industry. To do this, it will combine blockchain technology with IoT and distributed encryption, storage and computing.
In order to maintain efficiency, CPChain separates their solution into two parallel, distributed networks: a distributed cloud storage network and a blockchain network. The storage network stores user-encrypted data in a distributed hash table (DHT). The blockchain, which records hash values of this data (for unique data id) and credentials (for integrity and correctness), acts as control layer that supervises data interaction.
Users will be able to interact with CPChain via Decentralised Applications (DApps). DApps provide an interface to the smart contracts on the blockchain and will be customised according to their requirements. The initial phase of CPChain will use Ethereum as its main blockchain because Ethereum supports smart contracts. This will allow their team to speed up system prototyping and application testing.
The primary asset on CPChain is the CPC token which will characterise digital economic activity on the chain. The value in this token is that activity on the chain uses some CPC as fuel and that holding CPC is a symbol of participating in CPChain governance.
The team are all extremely academic and smart leaders of their field in China. While the language barrier makes it more difficult to find details, it is still obvious that they all bring a wealth of information to the team. Co-founder and Principal Scientist Dr Chengnian Long is an IEEE senior member and professor who sits on many technical committees in the industries of education, security and commercial operations. He has numerous papers and research interests in IoT and distributed intelligent systems. His work is quite extensive, with a number of research papers and conference talks available online.
Supporting him is Co-founder Dr Bin Zhao, who comes with more than a decade of research and development experience in communication, IoT and FinTech. He has extended experience in managing an R&D team and owns three patents relating to IoT. I enjoy seeing a team made up of technical leaders in the field of their ICO. Between them they have such a broad experience of academia and corporate experience, it is exciting to see what they can do together on this project.
Supporting them is a team of experts in a range of fields, including:
It is a great to see such a fantastic list of people and domains of expertise. Also, a shoutout to an ICO for having a System Security Engineer involved from the get go!
The list of early investors is extremely interesting: Qtum, Vechain, Metaverse, ChainFunder, HPB and Torque Capital Partners are all onboard. I am extremely curious to see the synergies and partnerships CPChain and the likes of Qtum, Vechain and Metaverse can work out together
The CPChain roadmap extends all the way to 2020. Given the ambitious nature of the this project, this is quite a reasonable, if not a little tight, time frame. Also, they are well aware of the complexities in their project and have committed to gradually evolving their system architecture during their development. I like that they’ve taken this approach. It allows them to focus on smaller sections of their project which increases the likelihood of project completion.
Unconfirmed sources quote that the recent private sale had a hard cap of $30M USD with a price of \$0.10USD for 1 CPC. CPChain state that there will be 1 billion CPC in total, which gives them a valuation of $100M USD. This is slightly higher than most ICOs, however this isn’t just another token looking to piggy back on the Ethereum blockchain. Matrix, which focuses on developing a more general blockchain technology, was valued around $310M USD. Given their target market is much smaller than Matrix, this seems like a reasonable evaluation.
Transparency is a bit of a mixed bag for this group. Their website and social media have very little information, however their whitepaper is choc full of info about how they will implement their infrastructure. It also details their token distribution, how their token will provide value, fund allocation, governance, a bit about their team and lots more.
However, even with this goldmine of information, I could not find any official source on sell dates, pricing and discounts. The data I have gathered on this has been pulled from third-party sites and unconfirmed sources in their telegram channel. Although a little frustrating, this is becoming more common for ICOs which dont make it to a crowdsale stage.
Their website and social media are light on details and Telegram appears to be the main channel for communication.
The total 1 billion CPC to be released will be distributed as follows:
40% of the total will be released in the first round of funding.
CPChain is an exciting and ambitious project looking to provide the infrastructure for next generation IoT. It will combine cloud storage technology with the blockchain to overcome current efficiency issues with blockchain. I appreciate projects that look to really build on or extend from the platform on which it launched. I’m excited to see what this team can produce in the coming years.
This is clearly a well thought-out project, with extensive technical information documented in their whitepaper. It is, however, a little difficult to find any official data on the recent private sale as well as details on whether it will go to crowdsale or not.
The author has no affiliation with the above token or with the promotion/marketing thereof.
She does not hold any tokens and has not participated in the private or public sales.
A third-party (not related to the ICO team) has requested and paid for a Prioritised Review of this ICO.
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