Title: This is a Markdown Template (The name of the article.) Status: Draft (or Published.) Date: 2019-01-25 (The earliest date the article can be publsihed.) Author: Community Contributor (This can not be changed for community contributions.) Category: News (or 'Article' or 'Guides' --- Note 'Reviews' and 'PressReleases' are generally not accepted from the Community.) Slug: markdown-template (The URL to use: https://www.cryptocoin.com.au/${Category}/${Slug}) Tags: Cryptocoin, Markdown, Template (Comma seperated list of tags.) hero: MarkdownTemplate.png (A 1200x600 image must be supplied seperately.) This is the first sentence of the article. It will appear under the Article Image and Article Title. You can view Markdown syntax here: https://commonmark.org/help/ You can also use online editors to check layout: https://dillinger.io/ As a quick cheatsheet, Markdown looks like this: ## This is the first H2 heading of the article. ### H3 headings can also be used. We suggest having a H2 or H3 header every 300 to 500 words at minimum. This is _Emphasised_ text and this is **Strong** text. - Bullet point - Another bullet point - [https://commonmark.org/help/](Links) > Quotes 1. As well as numbered lists 2. Such as this ``Inline code segments`` ``` Entire code blockchains. Which can be multiple lines Just dont forget to close ``` --- ## Cryptocoin Disclosure Statement The author has no relationship with the subject of this aricle.
Read about our [transparency requirements]({filename}/pages/disclosure.md).